The Tape Bunny is a tape dispenser made for for 3/4" tape. It is shaped like a rabbit and is printed in 4 separate parts.

Project Panel

Hosted on Google Drive

Individual Parts

This is a cross sectional view of the body. The blade is inserted into the slot filling the ears, and the tape roll easily drops into the body so it can rotate freely.

The blade was designed based on a standard plastic disposable tape dispenser.

The tape insert is a pentagon and slides into a 1" diameter ring of a tape roll.

The axle is 4.8mm in diameter and about 36.5mm long.

Assembly View

This is the project fully assembled.

Project Video

Animation of the project's parts coming together. The parts were designed with a 0.4mm tolerance to obtain a friction fit.



The topline of the Tape Bunny was modeled after the Scotch Rabbit Tape Dispenser.